
Showing posts from May, 2018

Senator Durbin Responds To My Letter RE Net Neutrality

This deer was in the road and then like sauntered into the forest...I stopped and snapped a pic and she/he looked right back at me. So wild.

Slow Motion Police Boat

Shaved the beard off to start summer off all fresh. Thank you @brianbiddle for the portrait. Beach season has started! #No4W, #itmfa #resist,

That dancing Queen sign was supposed to be pointing towards me....but you get the idea.

At Suszies wedding a couple weeks much fun!

Apollo Chorus - In Taberna - 05/04/18

Apollo Chorus - 05/04/18- Carmina Burana

CGMCr's reunion at Sean's Apollo Chorus concert tonight. What a great afternoon and fantastic evening concert.

You'd better work