
Showing posts from September, 2019

Good morning lovely people of the internets. It's rehearsal tonight and then a sweet cruise into the weekend. See you there. #selfieatwork

@bukeka_style and @barackobama

Make Our Garden Grow (In The Upside Down) WCPA 05/11/19

Make Our Garden Grow (In The Upside Down) WCPA 05/11/19

360pics animation

360pics animation

Monitoring in Progress

Boarding Pass To Mars

Happy #earlymonday to everyone. Have a great week. #pixel3portraitmode #maisonduarmitage

Helping my brother w a delivery

Helping my brother w a delivery

Soooo excited to sing the @johnmrutter Gloria again. The first time I performed this was in 2005ish? in the choir @unitytemplekc and I'm elated to sing it again with @windycitysings celebrating the 40th anniversary season. I hope #EricEsparza hires a kickass brass section because we'll need it for this. We're also singing @leonardbernsteinofficial Chichester Psalms! Two powerhouse peices for the anniversary season! #WCPA #WCGC #WCTQ #40thanniversaryseason