April 15 tax day protests re: discrimination against same-sex couples

April 15 tax day protests re: discrimination against same-sex couples

Subject: April 15 tax day protests re: discrimination against same-sex couples
Hello from California!

As you know, we here in California celebrated a stunning victory yesterday, when the Superior Court Judge ruled in favor of same-sex couples getting married, saying it was Unconstitutional to not allow it.

Rev. Troy Perry and his husband (Canadian marriage) challenged Prop. 22, our version of a State DOMA, which in effect, said that the State did not have to recognize same-sex marriages out of California Jurisdiction.
Diane Olson and I were the first couple to challenge the marriage laws in California by filing the lawsuit on Feb. 24, 2004, "Tyler vs. County of Los Angeles." Gloria Allred and her law firm represented us, pro-bono-and will continue to do so.

We were thrilled to be consolidated into the lawsuit with the SF couples, many of whom are are friends and sister activists!

Meanwhile, we are continuing to organize. You organized a tax day protest last April 15,2004, regarding the taxation discrimination against same-sex couples.

This year, April 15 falls on a Friday night. Would you consider organizing another protest? We need to keep showing the press, our friends, our families, and the far right, that we are not going away until we win this issue.

Once again, dontamend will help with posters, flyers, leaflets, talking points, or whatever help your group needs! Last year, 35 cities protested. Let's try for many more this year.

With Pride,

Robin Tyler,
Executive Director
www.dontamend.com (great articles on yesterdays CA decision!!)
The Equality Campaign


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