
Showing posts from August, 2010

Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay - Politics - The Atlantic

Rufus Wainwright - The Walking Song- Southampton 11 April 2010

It's not about the mosque -- it's America's war on "the Other"

Gelato in Kansas City

Schlessinger ending her radio show because "my First Amendment rights have been usurped by angry, hateful groups" | Media Matters for America

Heidi and Zepher

Dr. Laura Sorry for Saying N-word On-air

The stay has been lifted. Judge Walker has denied the motion to stay his Prop. 8 decision.

The Surrender Adventure

JetBlue Flight Attendant Steven Slater Arrested After Flight to JFK - ABC News

Confessions of a Gay Weapon of Marital Destruction

Mayor Bloomberg Delivers Teary-Eyed Defense Of Ground Zero Islamic Center

Lady Gaga Counter Protester

Liza - I Don't Want To Know

Rep. Maxine Waters and Robert

Kansas City Weather Podcast � Monday August 2, 2010 – Kansas City Weather Forecast

Church plans Quran-burning event -