HMC Travels To Ottawa University, Pisses off Jesus Mongers

So the Heartland Mens Chorus is travelling to Ottawa University to sing the epic "When I Knew" concert we sang last year at the folly theater and also on Denver at the GALA festival. Apparently the bible bangers are kind of pissed off about it as the Ottawa Herald published a letter to the editor yesterday which i have copied below:

Sodomites coming to town

Back in the mid-1960s, I was invited to hear a guest speaker at Ottawa University. Commenting on a statement by a pseudo-theologian, Dr. Nels Ferre, who suggested in his book, “The Sun and the Umbrella,” that Jesus was the bastard son of a German soldier and that Mary was a harlot who hung around a German mercenary camp, the proposed speaker said something to the effect, “And who can say that these words are not true?”Having no longer Biblical scruples for truth, it is not surprising that Ottawa University would have the Sodomites come to town.Paul sees the same pattern in Romans 1 where they “changed” the glory of the incorruptible God. Having departed from Biblical Doctrine, they soon became filthily corrupt themselves. (Romans 1:27) “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.”He probably was referring to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as the recompense. (Genesis 19) Philo, who lived around the time of Christ, said the smoke of these cities was still rising in his day. That would be 2,000 years later.As Bill Grasham once said, “If America gets away with such filth, God will have to apologize to these filthy cities.” Pray for revival!— Daryl McNabb, pastor, Peniel Bible Church, Waverly

When I Knew
Wednesday, April 17 at 7:30 pm
Ottawa University, Fredrikson Chapel
1001 S Cedar Street, Ottawa, KS
Free Admission


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