Stewart: Bush Library the 'Hard Rock Cafe of Catastrophic Policy Decisions'

h/t crooksandliars I love Jon Stewart enormously.....sooo hysterical:

Now that we've just had the opening of the George W. Bush library this Thursday, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart had field day with the former president and what he's been doing with his time compared to his counterparts, who are devoting themselves to public service or doing NGO work, in sharp contrast to Bush, who told CBS that he was painting "two or three hours a day."
STEWART: Sometimes it seems only a gallon of paint can... drown out the screams of those I've wronged. Plus, sometimes they let you use your fingers.
Stewart showed a portion of the softball interview with Bush given by Charlie Rose this week, asking him if he's getting any better at his painting and Bush responding that "It's all in the eyes of the beholder." Stewart concluded, "So in other words, art history will be the judge."
After showing news footage that the library is going to contain over 43,000 "artifacts" from the Bush presidency, Stewart concluded:
STEWART: So it's basically the Hard Rock Cafe of catastrophic policy decisions.
Stewart went on to take some shots at Bush and the reports on his rising poll numbers and why, and then wrapped things up with his "Senior Correspondent" Al Madrigal and the ridiculous "Decision Theater" ondisplay at the library, or as they rightfully dubbed it here, "Disasterpiece Theater."


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