I Would Be Charged With A Felony For Exercising My Right To Protest Hitler/TrumpCunt

A proposed new law would allow authorities to charge nonviolent protesters with “economic terrorism.” Click here to sign the petition to stop this!
A new law proposed by a State Senator in Washington would allow prosecutors to charge protesters with "economic terrorism," and slap them with serious felony charges that could lead to jail time, just for making their voices heard. [1]
The outrageous proposed bill would make any form of protest that causes an "economic disruption" a class C felony, punishable by up to 5 years in prison. It wouldn't just apply to people who engage in illegal acts or vandalism, it could be used to prosecute any person or group who organizes a protest that authorities deem as "disruptive." Broadly interpreted, this law could apply to honored American traditions of nonviolent dissent like boycotts and civil disobedience.

We don’t have to support every protest or every cause, but we cannot allow overly broad legislation to to undermine our Constitutionally protected freedoms.
Charging protesters with terrorism clearly violates the First Amendment and is an attempt to silence legitimate dissent. Please sign the petition telling lawmakers to reject this dangerous legislation.
We need everyone to speak out right now so we can shut down this terrible proposed legislation before it spreads to other states. This affects all of us. Will you sign the petition to stop it?
We need to remain vigilant. No matter who is in power, protecting our right to dissent is imperative for the future of our society.
Thanks for reading,
-Evan at Fight for the Future

Fight for the Future works to protect your rights in the digital age.


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