The day that my skin recovers

Well I got back from Florida yesterday, and I had the most wonderful time hanging out with my two neices, Gabby and Juliana. Of course it was great to see my sister and her husband Joe, and my parents and Laurie and Ralph also. I have gotten a bunch of pictures scanned, so hopefully I can add those to this journal as well. The two girls are just so wonderful, they have such vastly different personalities and they are just both growing up so fast. Well, let me try and start from the beginning. I flew down and was picked up by my parents at the Tampa airport, and then we went on down to the Boardwalk where my parents have stayed for years and years. It was so great to be back there again. I think my Mom hit it right on the nose when she said that there is such a familiarity with our family and being down in Englewood because we've been going down there ever since I can remember, and my parents go every year at about the same time. So we jumped in the pool on Sunday afternoon, and it was just a luxury. The heat was tremendous though, it was so intense. It was so wonderful to see my sister and her two daughters Gabby and Juliana. Gabby is turning into such a big girl, and Juliana is such a stitch. Here's a picture of Cara and Jules at the resteraunt Barnacle Bill's that we have been going to for years and year and years

So we set off for a week of rest and relaxation, and that was what it was. I stayed with my parents in Unit #1, Cara and Joe and the girls were in #4, Laurie and Ralph were in #6. So we all hung out all week, and it was just wonderful. One of the most amazing experiences I had when I was there was watching an endangered sea turtle lay her eggs on the beach right in front of me. I was actually on the phone with Richard on the beach, and it was probably 11:30pm Florida time which meant it was 10:30 at home, I think it was Tuesday night, I'm not sure though. Anyway, I was walking out into the beach at night, when I stopped because there was this HUGE mass in front of me, at first I thought it was a peice of wood or something, but when my eyes adjusted, I saw the thing MOVE. It was so beautiful, it's hard to express in words. I could make out the outline of an immense turtle! It was one of those huge sea turtles laying her eggs! So the turtle was probably half-way done when I got there, and she was laying in the hole that she dug, and then pushing the sand over her eggs with her flippers. When she was done with that, she turned around in the hold she dug, and started to make her way back to the ocean. It was truly remarkable to see this happening right in front of me. She laid her eggs, and then returned to her home, the ocean. The next morning, I checked to see if her nest had been protected, and it had been. There are people that come around in the early, early morning that check all the beaches for turtle nests, and when they find them they barracade around them so that no one can disturb them. I was very happy to see that they had done that with the one right in front of the Boardwalk. What an amazing experience though, to see that all happening two or three feet away from me. I brought home some sharks teeth and some shells for the new townhome and for Richard. I thought that I would give some of the sharks teeth to Elsa, because she makes jewelry, and they would make great necklaces. It was bittersweet to think about coming home after one short week, but on the other hand I was glad to get home. I don't know if I could've handled the sun much longer than one week. I have much more to say, and now that I have access to a scanner, I'll try and update this page, and my other pages much more frequently. That's all for now.

This is an email that I got last night from David that had me in tears because I was laughing so hard!!

First of all I need to tell you that I was on AOL last night and was instant messaged by a guy: "Hello David. Do you know who this is?" I looked at his profile---the details were skimpy, just that he likes leather, poppers, and watersports. Seven inch penis. There was a Madonna quote at the bottom. I decided it couldn't have been anyone I actually *dated*. I went to his homepage, and the pieces all fell into place when, underneath a graphic of a little man running around peeing on everying, up came a picture of..... Steve Alsbury. He commented that he just got an invitation to his high school reunion and wanted to find a gorgeous guy to take with him and make out with on the dance floor. He wants to show everyone the new, thin, gay Steve. I wanted to bring up that girlfriend of his--the one he knocked up--but thought better of it. I mentioned that the last time I saw him was at Hunters, where he was clearly totally unimpressed by my presence. The chat ended when he found a guy named Luke with a 8x7 uncut cock to come over and play with him. Oh my god, but that's not the only blast from the past I've had this week. Do you remember a girl named Lindsey Frieders? You may remember her as the lone girl I attempted any kind of formal dating scene with as a freshman. I took her to some dance or other---a corsage, our parents taking pictures of us, creepy slow dancing, the whole deal. I walked into the White Hen by my house to get some cigarettes and who was my cashier? That would be Lindsey. "Daaaaaaave!" she squealed. "Lindseeey," I muttered in muted horror. Let me just take a moment to describe her fully awful appearance: whatever wieght Mr. Alsbury lost, SHE found; her hair was unwashed and greasy, hanging limply about her shoulders; she was wearing 1987-model acid-washed denim overalls, and one of those round holographic necklaces with a 3-D eyeball in the center. Oh, and she smelled. She said, "I was just looking at our pictures from the dance! I was thinking about you!" I didn't have the heart to say, "Oh yeah, the pictures. I shredded mine, then burned them." She continued, "I only live a couple of blocks down the road..." Of course, since I also live only a couple of blocks down the road, I told her I'm living in Andersonville and was just passing through to visit my parents! She informed me that she "just had [her] high school graduation ceremony last week." It seems she's just gotten around to getting her G.E.D. She said, "The next time you come in here, we'll have to exchange phone numbers!" I was just like, "yeah, let's do that." The good part is, after seeing her, I feel WAAAAY less bad about my life, because here's someone doing *even worse* wallowing in a far more pungent stench of their own, more constipated existence! On the negative side, I'll never be able to shop at that White Hen again. I also felt a mild twinge of satisfaction when Steven (who just returned from Puerto Vallarta with his true love, the vomit-inducing Odie), fell into a pothole and twisted his ankle. It's strange how adoration can take on a sinister edge of malice in certain circumstances. I would never wish harm on Steven, of course, but it did put a tiny grin on my face for a split second that his **vacation of loooove** would be capped by physical injury. Ken is having gastrointestinal surgery on October 16th. I'm absolutely beside myself with distress. I'm trying to be upbeat but I fear he will die in the hospital, and I just cannot--CANNOT--live in a Ken-less world.


This is a part of an email that I got from the owner of Buddies that is talking about the Chicago pride weekend.

this is a landmark event called Out at the Park. The date is June 23 whichis the Saturday of pride weekend...the day before the pride parade. This is the first time that the Cubs organization has reached out to the gay community and is even advertising in the gay papers. Unfortunately all of out tickets have already been sold but you could check with the Free Press as they are one of the corporate sponsors. They may still have some tickets left. George


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