The Day After

Wednesday - September 12, 2001 | The Day After

I got this image from Mark Allen's Page, he lives in New York, and went bike riding after everything happened, during the night last night. I don't even know what to say, there's really nothing to say, other than I had to call my family yesterday from my cell phone, just to tell them that I loved them, and then I spent the night with Richard just watching the t.v., in stunned silence. We watched the President, and it seems like this is just a pre-cursor to war. That freaks me out, I can just can't imagine this country at war. I just get the feeling like we are going to have some horrible events coming up it's just waiting for whatever is going to happen, is the worst part. You can check the whole scene out, if you have a computer with a java-enabled browser here at perceptual This is the best thing that I've read so far, from my friend Aaron:

Dear Friends,

In the wake of the history making events Tuesday morning, the collective emotional pendulum swings from fear and shock to blind anger and frustration. Truly, this is a turning point for all people of our time, not just Americans. Much like the sinking of the Titanic marked the end of the Edwardian period, such does this attack symbolically end a generation of unprecedented economic, civil and social progress for our country and its many cultures.

The people of New York and Washington DC were subjected to a horror that was beyond cowardly, beyond evil and more calculated then any act committed since the Holocaust. Without question, we are dealing with a faction more disturbed and more powerful then previously encountered. Our government will reassure us that justice will be swift and comprehensive. I truly hope that this is this is the case, not just for the sake of the lives lost but to minimize the possibility of future atrocities. President Bush will continue to rally the nation in the name of patriotism and justice and denounce the perpetrators of this act of war. But such a crime calls for more from us, deeper and more profound then the catch all of patriotism and justice.

Blame is easy to place, difficult to prove. Our information hungry mass media will jump at leads to put a face on the perpetrators. As victims, we must be cautious and patient in our search for truth. This is not a result of a bad government, or a bad religion, but the calculated and malicious act of troubled and maligned people. They will be found and they will be held accountable.

I encourage everyone to look beyond issues of nationality and political rhetoric. What happened Tuesday shocked the world and horrified innocent people from New York to New Delhi. Smug confidence and passive resolve are no longer options for anyone. We need to recognize the proportions of this crime and rally ourselves. Rally our allies. Rally our compassion.

Ignorance is the enemy. Truth is paramount.

Aaron Standish

There are many things that he touches on in that statement, I agree with, but I can't seem to shake this feeling, first of all that here at work..everybody is a fucking expert. "oh we're going to bomb their asses" "oh that fourth plane was definitely going for the white house" it's like...nobody knows anything. Nobody knows who did it, they suspect what's his name, but whatever, nobody really knows nobody can truly tell definitively, and until then, I am going to keep my damm mouth shut, because I can't stand that kind of speculation, Leila was just saying "oh we're going to war" and while I think that is a great possibility, I just can't stand all of these assumptions. People have just been murdered on a grand scale, we are all reeling from shock, why compound the shock with idiocy? Everybody shut the fuck up and let these people do their job, it's not even twenty four hours after it, and according to all these ignorant fucks, we're all ready at war. Can you please just shut the fuck up?


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