Tragedy that no one is talking about

They're Mormon and believe that all the gays are going downstairs to hell. Despite having two gay children in their 'flock', I wonder how people actually reconcile their beliefs with suicide. In catholicism suicide is a mortal sin basically akin to murder.

It's so horrifying that people still actually believe that because you are gay that you are sent to hell. Welcome to the official answer that fucking Donny Osmond gives on his website. Roseanne Bar of all people has been blogging about this and now is issuing an apology after her blog apparently got back to the Osmonds. But I just hate to think of this poor man's life wasted because he was gay and thought he was unworthy to live. Every gay person has felt that in one incarnation or the other. This is a perfect example of how religious beliefs can destroy a persons life. What a waste.

This has been one of the less articulate posts in a while, but hey, it's a post and practice makes perfect right?


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