February 5, 2021
Mr. William Rosen ------------------------ ------------------------
Dear Mr. Rosen:
Last week, I commended President Biden on his memorandum directing federal agencies - including the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) - to combat xenophobia toward Asian-Americans.
Over the last four years, we have seen xenophobia on the rise, but with the outbreak of COVID-19, it has only gotten worse. Hate speech toward Asian-Americans has been fueled by in part former President Donald Trump, through action including referring to COVID-19 as the "Kung Flu Virus" or the "Chinese Virus." This type of rhetoric, especially in such a time of tension and uncertainty, can escalate quickly and endanger Asian-Americans. Thankfully, President Biden made it clear that he will not abide discrimination against Asian-Americans, or any other community, during his administration.
I am grateful for President Biden's leadership on this issue, and I intend to explore avenues where legislation and congressional oversight can help further this memorandum and protect Asian-Americans across the country.
My Office and I Are Here To Help
I want to thank you for continuing to stay vigilant and engaged during these difficult times and remind you to please contact my office if you have any questions or concerns by calling (847) 413-1959, emailing me at IL08.helpline@mail.house.gov, or sending a message through my website https://krishnamoorthi.house.gov/contact/email.
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