namaste, brother

namaste, brother

When I stop and think about my life and how blessed I am, it brings me to tears. I have been struggling of sorts, but I know that when I am down, my whole experience reflects it and I choose to no longer reflect those types of thoughts in my experience. In the spirit of Jhames, I offer up a wonderful mantra that I've used with Schicky baby, and I've tried to pass along to as many people as possible.
My negativity has outlasted its usefullness
I send love to:
Jhames for starting this love fest
my wonderfully supportive family
you know who you are
Yvette and Leila for being my friends
Scotty for being a wonderful man that loves me unconditionally, without reservation.
and finally to God for giving me a talent to praise God with my voice....and because it's all about the Wizard of Oz, but more specifically Harold Arlen this weekend...I give you this mantra
namaste, brother.
oh my god....this is truly amazing. not ONE MINUTE after I posted this journal entry about love, and positivity, this happens:

neelyo1965: Of course you have no idea of who I am but by "fate" I stumbled onto your website and saw your inspiring and shall I say timely mantra.
ohthebill: who is this?
neelyo1965: Thanks alot - 
ohthebill: absolutely......
neelyo1965: someone from RI
ohthebill: do you know jhames?
neelyo1965: no
ohthebill: oh my're totally serious? totally random?
neelyo1965: yup
ohthebill: fucking amazing
neelyo1965: sometimes really weird things just happen...
ohthebill: i am copying this im session into my journal....BTW I LOVE YOU
ohthebill: whoever you are
neelyo1965: sweet
neelyo1965: the last year has been REAL shitty and I really needed to read that today
neelyo1965: & believe it
ohthebill: completely....we just decided to start doing more positive stuff...and I JUST FTP'd that up on the site...not five minutes ago
ohthebill: literally
neelyo1965: well I guess its my 15 minutes finally
neelyo1965: streaking accross the vast internet
ohthebill: you're amazing....that's so cool....
ohthebill: it's ok to copy this onto the journal?
neelyo1965: hardly but thank you
neelyo1965: yes
ohthebill: rhode island eh? so how did you stumble onto the site?
neelyo1965: actually I mistyped and got it in error but explored
neelyo1965: quite good
ohthebill: astounding
neelyo1965: scary, huh?
ohthebill: im speechless....still
ohthebill: and that NEVER happens LOL
neelyo1965: now now
ohthebill: well you've made it onto my journal for today...this much I know for sure
ohthebill: check back after we get done talking
neelyo1965: keep my IM name in your buddy list
ohthebill: done
neelyo1965: RI is quite like the valley of the dolls .....
ohthebill: it seriously shocked me....i wasn't even going to answer your im, because you know how it is, i always get im'd by ads....
neelyo1965: understood
neelyo1965: i probably wouldn't have either
ohthebill: but it said you didnt have a 'warning level' so i thought "oh what the hell"
neelyo1965: ever read "the Zen of OZ"
ohthebill: are you a boy/girl? age? what do you do? what are you all about? Now I'm obsessed! lol
neelyo1965: spiritual lessons from the Wizard of OZ
ohthebill: no i've read the zen of pooh....
ohthebill: we're doing the zen of oz in 13's actually quite hysterical
neelyo1965: haven't been a boy in years ( now 37)
neelyo1965: my life could be a very bad lifetime movie of the week
neelyo1965: if your actually interested - 
neelyo1965: better to get it in small doses
ohthebill: now what about that 'negativity has outlasted its usefullness' now?
ohthebill: hee
ohthebill: im totally interested
neelyo1965: well I just read it
ohthebill: HA!
neelyo1965: i need time to actually believe it
ohthebill: keep on saying it to yourslef, put it in the first person, it helps alot
neelyo1965: it's gay pride here in Providence tomorrow
neelyo1965: & its going to pour
ohthebill: naturally
neelyo1965: but rain brings rainbows
neelyo1965: i guess
neelyo1965: now i sound like an old Eagles song.....
neelyo1965: desperado
neelyo1965: ;-)
ohthebill: you're gay?
neelyo1965: yup
ohthebill: wow, cool.....who knew.....
neelyo1965: i've known since 13
neelyo1965: HA
ohthebill: are you attached? let's see some pictures now! LOL
neelyo1965: no attachments
ohthebill: ill put them on my my new friend from rhode island
neelyo1965: well I'll have to delve into your site and get the 411 on ya
ohthebill: u have a pic of yourself?
neelyo1965: could take weeks....
neelyo1965: possibly
neelyo1965: more mysterious this way though
ohthebill: i just took three pics of myself for that journal entry....
ohthebill: im still totally just made my day
neelyo1965: really?
neelyo1965: really really
ohthebill: hand to god
neelyo1965: thats a big arm
ohthebill: and this whole thing is SO on my journal, in testament to the whole concept
neelyo1965: spooky
ohthebill: completely spooky
ohthebill: are you going to pride?
neelyo1965: yup
neelyo1965: working it
neelyo1965: I film a local drag queen
neelyo1965: for a cable access show
neelyo1965: i also edit the shows
ohthebill: yer a filmmaker eh? right on....we just had ours last weekend
neelyo1965: &?
ohthebill: the parade was a bit dismal, but they had a festival in downtown kc, and that was fun
ohthebill: ran into some friends i hadn't seen in a while
neelyo1965: tomorrow will be quite lame
neelyo1965: this is the smallest state
neelyo1965: but Jennifer Holiday is singing at 730P
neelyo1965: We have an interview with her 
ohthebill: believe me, it cant be any worse than kc....the parade was like six blocks...oh my god i LOOOOVE her
neelyo1965: later at her hotel
ohthebill: "AND I AM TELLING YOU"
ohthebill: *sings*
neelyo1965: but I AM going
ohthebill: rock on brother
neelyo1965: I'll send ya a pix of her
ohthebill: oh my god...i'll put them on my journal!!!
neelyo1965: I'm taking 35mm shots too
ohthebill: u know who rufus wainwright is?
neelyo1965: sure do
ohthebill wants to directly connect. 
neelyo1965 is now directly connected. 
neelyo1965: i know you're quite fond of him
ohthebill: HERE! ohthebill: huge pic.....sorry bout that
neelyo1965: o my
neelyo1965: thank god for cable modems
ohthebill: lol
ohthebill: right?
neelyo1965: that pix could have taken all night 
neelyo1965: where was that pic taken?
ohthebill: in a bar...after the show
neelyo1965: OIC
ohthebill: in lawrence, kansas
neelyo1965: one step down from LA
ohthebill: just a hop skip and a jump
neelyo1965: I'm sure you're busy....
neelyo1965: so
neelyo1965: don't want to monopolize ya
ohthebill: not at all
neelyo1965: my name is Scott ( by the way)
ohthebill: BILL!
neelyo1965: i know
ohthebill: so cool....well it was totally cool to meet've totally made my day
neelyo1965: keep in touch if ya see my online
neelyo1965: i'll send u some pics from tomorrow
ohthebill: right on, and look for our conversation in about ten minutes....i have to edit the color and stuff, might take a bit...
neelyo1965: k
ohthebill: you're amazing!
neelyo1965: stop
ohthebill: i'm serious
neelyo1965: well 
neelyo1965: what can i
neelyo1965: say
ohthebill: you just bounced back the love that i was talking an amazing way...
neelyo1965: thats very nice of u to say
neelyo1965: like I said 
ohthebill: im utterly serious
neelyo1965: been nuts around here lately
neelyo1965: life is just so overwhelming sometimes
ohthebill: keep your chin up...dont worry about anything and keep on saying that mantra! IT HELPS!
neelyo1965: i just need to remember whats important
neelyo1965: rejoice in the way things are
neelyo1965: be content with what u have
ohthebill: i've been totally struggling lately too, monitarily, emotionally, spiritually...but things like this help so rejuvinate us
neelyo1965: always someone worse off
ohthebill: right on
ohthebill: you're amazing!
neelyo1965: i understand completely
neelyo1965: topic change
neelyo1965: did u see star wars?
ohthebill: LOL
neelyo1965: yoda rocks
ohthebill: he was amazing....
neelyo1965: if he was just taller......
neelyo1965: and younger....
neelyo1965: and not green
ohthebill: lol
ohthebill: i am telling my bf all about you and this experience
neelyo1965: yikes
ohthebill: hes coming over
neelyo1965: going out this fine evening?
ohthebill: he and i...and yes were going out to dinner, and then out to the bah
neelyo1965: it is the weekend
neelyo1965: that time is it where u are?
ohthebill: and it's gorgeous weather here, and it's friday night
ohthebill: what?
neelyo1965: are u an hour behind me?
ohthebill: its just approaching 6pm here....
neelyo1965: its 730 here
ohthebill: so an hour and a half? thats odd
neelyo1965: u sure its not 630P
ohthebill: oh no, it's six 30, my computer clock is wrong
neelyo1965: OIC
neelyo1965: hmmmmmm
neelyo1965: tying shoes is tomorrows lesson
ohthebill: ah...yes....
ohthebill: i learned how to tie my shoes left handed when i was younger because my mom is left handed
neelyo1965: are u now right handed?
ohthebill: Yes.....the only person that is left handed is my oldest sister,..........i am still floored by this whole thing
neelyo1965: y - i believe everyone meets for a reason
neelyo1965: we're all students & teachers
ohthebill: just amazing.....
ohthebill: ok scotty is here....imma gonna take off, but it was AMAZING to meet you
neelyo1965: hope we talk again
ohthebill: we WILL
neelyo1965: b
neelyo1965: i'll find a pic 4 ya
neelyo1965: WITH clothes
neelyo1965: just kidding
ohthebill: check back for the journal, and when you send pics of j.holliday\
neelyo1965: k
neelyo1965: have fun tonight
ohthebill: you too
ohthebill: talk to you later Scott
neelyo1965: nite
ohthebill: namaste!


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