What a republican jerkoff. When you read this letter that follows, you want to believe that he's going for federal hate crimes protection, but then he bursts the bubble right at the last second. Guess I shouldn't have expected anything from a dumbfuck rebpulican. 
June 5, 2002

Mr. William Rosen
Dear Mr. Rosen:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding federal hate crimes. I appreciate your insight into this complex legal issue.

Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) introduced S. 625, the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act of 2001, the most recent legislative proposal concerning hate crimes, in March. This measure outlaws hate crimes committed on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. The bill also establishes a grant program for local law enforcement agencies and instructs the Justice Department to assist states in prosecuting hate crimes. S. 625 has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee for further consideration.

I am opposed to all forms of discrimination and support law enforcement agencies that aggressively prosecute violent offenders. However, before enacting new hate crimes legislation, we must be cautious in giving preferential treatment to select classes of victims. Every American is entitled to equal justice regardless of personal characteristics.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me with your thoughts on this matter. I look forward to your advice and counsel.

With every best wish,

Pat Roberts

The insomnia has crept back up and I literally have not slept in two days. Scott came over last night after rehearsal and we watched t.v. for a while, and then went to bed and I was perfectly awake. I think that I have been worrying about things too much, and that causes my mind to go on automatic pilot and not allow me to sleep. I am seriously going crazy. I have also confirmed with the social committee chair in the chorus that the Too Poor For Europe party will be an official chorus mixer, for the people who aren't going to Europe. I have two theories on this, one; it can be a great time, all the chorus boys will come over and we'll all have a smashing time, or two; why am I inviting a hundred queens over to my house? I will believe the former of the two conclusions, and operate out of the positive. I've been in sort of a melancholy mood of late, and the only way I can describe it is by music, and even though this has the energy of a breakup song, (Scott and I have never been better) it really gives a good picture of how I've been feeling lately. So much for working from the positive. I try as hard as I can.


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