Somebody took my horse!

Somebody took my horse!

Oh my god, I had a dream last night where I was the keeper of a horse, and I was trying to keep it calm and I was in a crowd of a thousand people it seemed, and we were all walking forward to I don't know where, and the horsey wanted to go the opposite way, so I followed him, and we were at the back of the line. So the horse was walking to the right, and these two guys came up to me and said "go this way, it's brute!" For some reason I followed them with my horse, and we had to walk up all these stairs on the right side of the building that we were in. Get up to the top, and there's a hallway, and the guy says "here, let me handle her, I'm a professional blah blah...something about horses" so I let him, and he brings the horse to the left side of the hallway, where there is a sort of a drape on this section of the hallway, so he walks the horse through that, and it's gone! They're trying to steal my horse! They run off, and I run after them, and now it turns into a Bruce Lee movie. I am chasing one guy with a camera, but the other guy runs off into the way-off corner of the factory that we've ran to. So, at least for now I have to devise a plan on what to do. Oh yeah, in this factory that we're in, there are thousands of aquariums of delicate, rare fish. (I can only surmise that they are being sold on the black market, and I need to destroy them), I'm so pissed that they took my beautiful horsey, that I dump one of the aquariums and throw it into one of the massive sized aquarium, and it's like that scene from Mission Impossible II, just a wall of water comes pounding down. So I repeat this process a couple of times, and then as I'm laying down on the ground I see the factory door open up, and one of the guys that took my horse walk through, so I wait till he walks a ways down, and jump up, grab a stick, and go after him....and then I woke up. I never did get my baby back dammit.

Don't have to work today, and it's still not warm enough to take my bike out.


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