Gearing up for the JUMP!

Gearing up for the JUMP!

This is perfect for the skydiving adventure I'm about to embark on!
Express yourself with confidence. Build dramatically on what has gone before. The best stories never end -- they just move on to the next chapter. Inspire someone whose beliefs have run dry.
Great message from my friend Lisa 

Bill Baby!!! 
Thought you might like this one.... it speaks to me of why your approach to making it a tradition seems like such a spiritually "grounded" thing to do. See you Saturday
Love ya, Lisa 

Parachutes weren't proven trustworthy by having people carry them around on their backs. The device showed its reliability once someone jumped. God, too, can be trusted with our lives, which we discover once we take a leap of faith. 
- Mary Manin Morrissey

Added some pictures to the newpics directory, my fave is Juliana in Florida. You know that she's my sister's baby, because when you come up to her with the camera, she sticks out her tounge and smiles and laughs. I want a baby dammit! I'm just going to put a October 20th entry on here, because I know I won't be able to get to the computer, because I'll be in rural Missouri jumping out of a plane!


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