

I went to the Midland Theater last night to see this wonderful man play the piano and he was phenomenal. Schicky Baby got us free tickets to go, and it was completely worth it to go. The symphony played an all Tchaikowsky program, culminating with the man that one the man that won the Cliburn competition this year. This guy was wonderful. I wish that everybody that is into classical music could've seen him. We went out to Starfucks afterwards, and hung out with Diane. Then we went to Blaney's because Diane knows the owner guy, and he gave us bumper stickers that say "I Love Dick". I thought that was hysterical, for obvious reasons, so I'll have to fasten that one to my bumper.

An email from Leila.
Sometimes hotmail is so fucked up. I'm sending resumes all over this God forsaken country. EVERYWHERE! New York, Delaware, Minnesota, Virginia. It just doesn't really look as though Portland is going to work out for me. Sure it would if I wanted to be a professional waittress for the rest of my life. I'm calling this restaurant later on today about a job. I"ll wait tables until I get enough money to move somewhere else. But I have already sent out about 30 resumes and I've only heard back from ONE place and that was just for an on call position. I sure as hell did not live the life from hell last year so that I could be some goddamn on call therapist. FUCK THAT! And it really pisses me off because I was seriously looking forward to living out here. But also my mother is driving me nuts. ITs the same psychotic bullshit as before and I can't put up with her. Its not good for my own mental health you know? Jesus that's why I left IL for God's sakes. I should have known that deep down living with my parents was stupid. Its just that I was so completely miserable in IL I thought this had to have been better. Oh God I'm so depressed. Talk to you later. 

it's amazing, she and I have completely parallel lives. Seriously.
I also got an email from my sistah, who should be reading this!

Hey Bill, 
How are you doing? I was reading your journal (as I do almost every day) and thoght I'd say hello. Not much new from D-town. I taught today from 9-5 (yes-one class for 8 hrs) and I'm a little pooped to say the least. By the end of the day I've essentiallly lost my patience with the students and I tend to shoot way more dirty looks than at the beginning of the day. Anyhoow, Old Navy will be fun for the holidays. Seems like a relatively cool dig-you'll probably get good discounts on merchandise and do your x-mas shopping there! John's boss was working over the weekend on his gutters or something and I guess hit his head. He didn't think much of it, as most of us wouldn't. Woke up and had shooting pains in his shoulders, causing enough alarm to go to the hospital. There they discovered he had a brain bleed, and took him directly to surgery where they performed a craniotomy to stop the bleed. It sounds like he'll be all right. It sure makes me thankful for all that I have! Scary stuff. On that note, I'll bid a farewell. Have a nice weekend. Say hello to Richard and we'll talk soon. 
Love you.


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