longstanding project approaches completion. If the delivery date isn't today, it will certainly be soon. Stand up, have a good stretch, and contemplate what you'll do after it's all over.


So, yesterday I went to the boys theater and had one of the most profound theater experiences I've ever had. There's really no way of describing it, it moved me, it touched my entire being, and I'll never be the same. I cried the entire time, sometimes hysterically. So much so, that the woman sitting in the row behind me asked me "if I was okay?" Sort of funny. Went to Starfucks with Pierce, then on to rehearsal. Did I say that I loved this show yet? I don't think I have on this website. Okay, this is an excerpt from the Commissioned Peice "Two Flutes Playing". This song is called "With What We Have Had To Learn and it's hard to describe, but the chorus sings the text: (With what we have had to learn, we could heal the world), and the chorus repeats it over and over and over again, and at points, the narrator says this haunting text:

Once we were a great and glorious people. (chorus sings With what we have....etc.)
We were artists and dancers and poets and warriors.
Then our temples and holy places were destroyed.
Our love was reviled as an abomination.
We were hunted and tourtured for hundreds of years.
Like bundles of wood, we were burned at the stake.
The names we were called still shout in our minds.
In silence we lived, afraid to tell our stories.
We met in dark places, faceless, ashamed.
Defying death, we found each other.
Our lives were not whole, and yet we lived them.
We could not touch in the street, and we still can't.
We are dying again, in the blood of our wounds.
In the midst of this death, we are finding each other.
We are remembering our songs, we are showing our faces.

Then the chorus sings this text:

We are owning our power, we are owning our beauty
we are owning our wisdom, we are owning our bodies,
we are owning our visions, we are owning our heart-fire,
we are changing together.
We are healing the world...We are healing the world!

I can say that if this is any indication about this commissioned peice, it's going to burn the house down. There won't be a Folly Theater anymore, it will be reduced to cinders. Not to even mention the first part of the show, which are all beautiful love songs. Anyway, I'll stop ranting about that, because you want the dirt don't you? I know, you don't have to explain. So, after the fabulous rehearsal, went to the bar, and the boy met me there. He's just so sweet; after a couple of drinks, and chit-chatting amoungst the bitches of the chorus (you know who they are), he and I left. And he held my hand as we crossed the street....and said to me "you seem to like that". I did...and do like it :-) So that brings us to today.

Work today was irritating, and then after was even worse. I don't even know why it was irritating, it was just one of those days that I didn't want to put up with anything, I just wanted to reach over the counter and choke people. I don't know, sometimes you have a tolerance for the general public, and somedays, you don't. Anyway, get done with work and I was supposed to go to the Starbucks in Prarie Village, because I talked to the store manager earlier in the day, and she was going to go over all the benefits that went with the job, and all of the technical stuff that goes with it. Boo fucking hoo. Get to the store, and the woman isn't there. Call her on the cell phone: nothing. Now I'm getting pissed because this is the third time this woman has blown me off. The poor employees keep on apologizing to me, and they of course, don't know what to do about it, she's the store manager, and usually has things under control. So I know that I have the job there, it's just a matter of the paperwork, and now the manager woman is on vacation until next Tuesday, so it's in limbo until then. Pissing me off. Anyway, I should just release it. To my utter suprise, there was a note on my car from Schicky that said "at the music store across the street" so I got to visit with her for a good hour or so. Have I said how much I love her yet? Yaa, I know. So that brings me current, to 12:18am, typing in my journal, when I should be sleeping, but for some reason I keep on doing this online journal, but I love it, because I'm completely and hopelessley addicted to it.


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