My blatant Jhames ripoff

My blatant Jhames ripoff

Number of items purchased from Wish List: 0

People are your weakness and your source of strength. You're outgoing, ready to borrow and happy to give. The moment is your personal kingdom. Triumph may be fleeting, but it's so very sweet.

Not sure what to think about that horoscope, but that sometimes happens, they just don't mean anything significant. So, I went to dinner last night with Larry and Doug, two friends from the chorus. We did Chineese at about 9pm or so, and then I just went home and cleaned up my pad a bit, and vegged in front of the t.v., watched, Broken Hearts Club even though I've seen it a million times. Provided some good laughs. After that, I just retired to my room, and started reading The Teachings of Buddha that I got at the discount pile at BN the other day. I also boughtYvette this great wedding planner book from Williams Sonoma, that was on discount, and a book for my friend Dayvid that I need to send to them.

Not working today, hrm what should I do with my day? I need to clean out my car, it's a pit of hell. Belinda was a bit mad at me, because she was flashing the 'engine' light at me, so I put some oil in her and now she's all better. You know those damm old cars, they are so picky! Was supposed to go see Sex in the City and Queer as Folk at the boiz house but the roomate is having some boys over, so I opted for that. Pizza and Queers, what a great combination. A couple sidenotes: I was thinking of transferring my journal onto the blogger page that I created a couple months back, but that would entail starting all over, and would be alot of work, and a lot of time that I just don't have. I never have two days off :-) So that's probably not going to happen. Tell me if you think I should, it is a much more sleek design, but who knows. No, I'm not a libra at all, I can always make up my mind. Next thing, at least in the online world, I am ex-free. Tonight I sent my ex all the stuff on my website that I hadn't gotten to,(pictures of his mother and her grandson, pictures of him..etc) so that is really all I have. In the process of moving, and going through all of my crap (which is really hardly anything at all...I got rid of so much stuff when I moved from Chicago) I still have a couple of things that are his, so I need to return those at rehearsal on Tuesday. After this week, I can truly say that I am ex-free.


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