
Well we had rehearsal last night with the chorusand it's turning out to be a fabulous show. It's so funny because now everything in my life is coming together so brilliantly. I got the best news yet, yesterday, that the Secretary of State of Illinois has received my payment, and has reinstated my drivers license. That allows me to apply for a Missouri license, and start driving around now, with my beautiful new car. I also found out that my immediate supervisor in the Accounting Department is 'family' and that's nice to know. It was so funny, driving to rehearsal last night, and Richard and I were talking about my trip to Chicago this Easter, and he was saying that he was glad that I was going to Chicago to get crazy with Leila , because if I went out all hours of the night here in Kansas City, he said that he wouldn't sleep if I did that here, so he was glad that I was going to Chicago. I thought that was kind of amusing. So now, essentially, all I have to do, is go to the drivers license place here in Kansas City, and get a license, and then worry about getting some insurance to cover my car, and then get license plates for the car, which shouldn't take too much effort. All I have to do is get the car inspected, which should take like five minutes, and then pay the property taxes on the car, and then Richard said that they just give you the license plates right there. WOO HOO. That's so exciting. Thank god I getpaid tomorrow, I've been a pauper all of this week, and this paycheck is going to be a nice relief from being so poor. The thing about that is this whole paycheck is going to go for expenses with the new carand the new license. Oh well, Richard and I were talking the other day and he was saying that these first initial expenses with the car, are only one-time expenses, so that's fine, it just sucks to be poor, I get so panicked when I'm poor, I just go into total panic mode. The other thing is that I've been sort of cheating here and there about thesmokingthing and it's sort of disappointing, well, I'm more disappointed in myself, but I believe that I will bounce back and just stop. I have to say that Richardwas right about that. We had a discussion a couple weeks ago because I was trying to convince him that I could just have one cigarette here and there, and just have control over and he said to me, 'oh that's a risky game to play, and you're playing with fire' I just sort of didn't pay attention to that, and I tried it, and now I'm regretting it. Well I'm not regretting it, but I've learned that I just can't do that, I just have to stop altogether, and just not smoke. That's the bottom line. Just stop. It's much easier to say than do, but I do have to say that it'll be much easier now, as I've only had a couple of cigarettes in the last couple of days, so it won't be as hard as before. Oh Jesus, I just read a notebook that I told Leila that I would put on my webpage, so here it goes. Oh, and I have 22 of these!@

(For the Misadventures of The Belligerent Trio, please go to, the Trio page


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