All My Children
Dammit, well we just found out that the townhouse that Richard wanted to buy was sold today, and that's a huge disappointment for him, I know. I know he was so looking forward to buying that town-house. He hasn't been feeling well these past couple of days, his throat is killing him, and I just hope that I don't catch anything from him :-) Let's see what's happened in the last couple of days, I just talked to the Illinois Secretary of State, and what was my mistake, is now causing this process to be delayed once again, but it's no big deal, I still have all the paperwork that is necessary to re-instate my licence. We just sent the mail U.S. Post Office rather than fed-ex'ng it, and the Secretary of State didn't' have to sign for the package, so it goes in regular mail. Does this all make sense? Because I didn't have someone sign for the overnight mail, it goes into regular mail, so the processing time for regular mail is something like fifteen days. I faxed in my time sheet for this week to Spherion so I should be paid on time this next week. So at least there is one good thing to report, and that is that I am going to make my first payment to Michael Sullivan tomorrow, on the 10th, and pick up my CAR! It's going to be crazy to have a car all to myself once again, I have been thinking of a name that I should use, and I think that I am going to wait on that, until I see the car, and get a feel of it, how it drives, and the car's personality. I thought about naming it Consueilla again, just because my Saturn didn't get a proper burial in Chicago, it was just taken away from me and then eventually smashed up. I still get a rumble in my stomach about that, I love Consueilla, but then again what are you going to do? So maybe I'll name her after the Saturn, but I get the feeling that I'll want to name her differently because this car is gong to be a whole new world. An 84 Oldsmobile Cutlass, four door, I believe. I will be able to report much better on all the details on Monday, when I get a chance to sit in the car, and drive it. The more I talk about this, the more I get excited, so I'll just calm a bit down. Even though I don't have a drivers licence, I'll just drive it really carefully home, and then just wait until I get my licence to drive it around Kansas City. Richard and I were talking about this whole issue, he was telling me that he was feeling a little bit insecure about this whole car thing, that it's going to give me a whole new perspective on this city, and that it's going to give me a lot more independence and he was worried about that, thinking that I am going to find something else to amuse me, or that I would get bored with him or something. I think that it is stemming from the whole incident on Monday night, so he's just feeling a little bit insecure, I'll just have to make sure that I pay attention to him, and how he's feeling much more for the next couple of weeks. I have to go to lunch!
March 9, 2001
OH MY GODWell I just had lunch with Melissa, Connie andPhyllis who are the women that I trained with, and we were talking about relationships, and they (actually Phyllis) then asked me what my story was, because I apparently told them that I moved here because of a relationship, and then Phyllis said "all I want to know is, if it's a girl or a guy?" I just smiled and laughed and of course I told them, and then they proceeded to ask me about what that was all about, and laughed. It just felt good to be honest with them. I always love coming out to new people, it always makes me feel good about myself, and makes me feel that I am more honest than I was previously, because I feel like when I talked about myself, I never said anything specific, and it was finally spoken. It's really no big deal, but it sort of is, it's like on National Coming Out day, what a great feeling that it is to come out to someone you've not known for a long time.
So anyway, I just got an email from Richard that said that he just got a call from an agent who said that they wanted to show the house tomorrow, on Saturday, and that the agent went past the house with a young couple, and that the house might be sold very fast. Then I just asked him if the house sells, and we don't have any place to go, then where do WE go? I said should we invest in a tent that we'll put in the overpass on the highway, or do we stay in the local homeless shelter? I know it's all in fun, but for christ's sake, it's sort of nerve-racking. Needless to say that I have full faith in this process, and I should just let it happen, it'll all work out. We had a rehearsal with Kelly Marzett last night at UMKC, and he and Richard were rehearsing "All that I am" and "Superstition" and I just thought that Kelly was absolutely fabulous, I am going to try and make it to church on Sunday to hear him sing, I love hearing him. It feels like I've typed that before, so maybe I already mentioned that, it feels like I did, who knows. I have to keep on adjusting my chair because when I type, it starts to hurt my hands, and I don't' want to have to sue Shook, Hardy & Bacon for ergonomic injuries! I just can't wait to update this damm webpage, I've been craving to change it for a while now, and there's a lot of stuff that I want to do with it, I just don't have the time, plus, I don't have the access, as the lovely WebTV doesn't allow me access to change the files, and I can't copy and paste anything on that, and it's sort of annoying. I went on the All My Children site last night, because I wanted to find out what was happening with my Kids, and I only got a chance to look at the front page, and it said that Leo had found the videotape of David I forget his last name; the evil one, drugging the party with libidizone. That's all I know now. I wonder if that site is a real site, I linked to it anyway, so if it's not a real site, then someone please tell me! I wanted to make a mention of the upcoming show, to plug HMC for a little bit.
March 9, 2001
OH MY GODWell I just had lunch with Melissa, Connie andPhyllis who are the women that I trained with, and we were talking about relationships, and they (actually Phyllis) then asked me what my story was, because I apparently told them that I moved here because of a relationship, and then Phyllis said "all I want to know is, if it's a girl or a guy?" I just smiled and laughed and of course I told them, and then they proceeded to ask me about what that was all about, and laughed. It just felt good to be honest with them. I always love coming out to new people, it always makes me feel good about myself, and makes me feel that I am more honest than I was previously, because I feel like when I talked about myself, I never said anything specific, and it was finally spoken. It's really no big deal, but it sort of is, it's like on National Coming Out day, what a great feeling that it is to come out to someone you've not known for a long time.
So anyway, I just got an email from Richard that said that he just got a call from an agent who said that they wanted to show the house tomorrow, on Saturday, and that the agent went past the house with a young couple, and that the house might be sold very fast. Then I just asked him if the house sells, and we don't have any place to go, then where do WE go? I said should we invest in a tent that we'll put in the overpass on the highway, or do we stay in the local homeless shelter? I know it's all in fun, but for christ's sake, it's sort of nerve-racking. Needless to say that I have full faith in this process, and I should just let it happen, it'll all work out. We had a rehearsal with Kelly Marzett last night at UMKC, and he and Richard were rehearsing "All that I am" and "Superstition" and I just thought that Kelly was absolutely fabulous, I am going to try and make it to church on Sunday to hear him sing, I love hearing him. It feels like I've typed that before, so maybe I already mentioned that, it feels like I did, who knows. I have to keep on adjusting my chair because when I type, it starts to hurt my hands, and I don't' want to have to sue Shook, Hardy & Bacon for ergonomic injuries! I just can't wait to update this damm webpage, I've been craving to change it for a while now, and there's a lot of stuff that I want to do with it, I just don't have the time, plus, I don't have the access, as the lovely WebTV doesn't allow me access to change the files, and I can't copy and paste anything on that, and it's sort of annoying. I went on the All My Children site last night, because I wanted to find out what was happening with my Kids, and I only got a chance to look at the front page, and it said that Leo had found the videotape of David I forget his last name; the evil one, drugging the party with libidizone. That's all I know now. I wonder if that site is a real site, I linked to it anyway, so if it's not a real site, then someone please tell me! I wanted to make a mention of the upcoming show, to plug HMC for a little bit.
This energetic showbiz tour de force will dazzle your spats off with music of the theater. It's our tribute to the grande dame of 12th Street, the Folly Theater, on her 100th birthday. We'll celebrate this historic Kansas City gem with glitz, glamour and showtunes. Also we'll nod to the stars who've belted from behind those footlights over the years -- and even to the Folly's dawdier days as a house of burlesque. Singing and dancing boys will charm the blues right out of the horn and make you glad to be back home where you belong.That's it for now, I wlll keep on updating when I get a chance to get to a computer, that seems like it's far and few between, but I will keep on updating as much as I can. Send me mail and let me know what is going on in your world!
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